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Studio Headphones. Ship US/CA/MX orders from the US, EU/UK orders from China.

Availability: In stock

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Regular Price: $1,999.00

Special Price: $699.00




Customer Reviews

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A Goldilocks headphone, not too bright or too warm, just right. Review by Dunring
I received one for the tour to try for 2 weeks. I've bought and sold over 185 different headphones, IEM's etc. These are so good because they don't need equalization or an amplifier with enough power to start your car. 1 watt into 32 ohm is plenty enough power even with a preamp reduction. There's about as demanding as an HE5xx to drive, which is easy peasy. I'm glad these new drivers are more sensitive than the years past.
They are really big but never feel heavy (1lb 1 oz). I've got APO and Peace installed but can't even figure out a single thing I would change with these. I've had the Heddphone, HE6se, Arya, Audeze LCD-GX, HD800s, Beyerdyamic T1, and the list goes on. I wouldn't trade the Audivina for any of those in a million years.

The price is up there, not many people can afford it. If you can though, and just want one pair of headphones instead of a collection, this is the one to get. Closed back privacy, and the soundstage is better than a LOT of open back pairs I've had. Dive into Destiny 2 and then play any genre of music with these. If you have five different headphones, consolidating into one might even save money. (Posted on 6/9/23)

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At a time when FDA-compliant face masks are appropriately being diverted to healthcare workers, HIFIMAN Electronics has purchased a quantity of non- FDA-assessed face masks from trusted manufacturers abroad and wishes to donate them to its customers and colleagues. These donations are made in good faith, with the hope – but not knowledge – that the face masks are “better than nothing.”

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  • These face masks are not intended to be used in health care environments, including but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, urgent care centers, doctors’ offices;
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  • These face masks may not stop the COVID-19 virus from being transmitted to you through this face mask, or (obviously) via the myriad of other ways that the virus can be transmitted.

In consideration for these donations, you hereby agree to irrevocably and unconditionally release HIFIMAN Electronics and its legal affiliates against any and all liability which any of them may incur as a result of any use of these face masks, including but not limited to, personal injury, illness or death caused by or resulting from these face masks donated to you under this agreement, and agree that neither you nor any of your affiliates will sue any of the above for any such liability.

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