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RE800 Silver In-Ear Monitor (Simplified Packaging)

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Regular Price: $599.00

Special Price: $99.00

RE800 Silver In-Ear Monitor (Simplified Packaging)

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Customer Reviews

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Near Perfect Sound Review by Mark
I'm honestly not sure where to start with the RE800 Silver. Other than the lack of a removable cable, these are simply amazing. Bass that is big, yet tight and detailed. Mids that are smooth, transparent, and take a balanced place in the mix. Highs that are bright and sparkle, but are not harsh or sibilant. Small and light enough to be comfortable for hours and hours.

The imaging and detail continue to blow me away. I find myself going back to songs I haven't listened to in a while just to hear them again with the amazing sound quality these deliver. Strings and brass are so realistic. The overall timbre is natural and rich. Listening to piano and voices you feel like you are in the room listening. The sound stage is fairly wide and instrument positioning is very easy. You can close your eyes and hear the location of each instrument. Depth is also good and very realistic.

The bass seems slightly elevated over reference in the mix, but never bloated and never overpowers the mid-bass or lower mids. Sub-bass extension can go very deep and will rattle your ears if it is there on the track. Mids are close to reference and voices and instruments in the middle are clear and easily distinguished, but not forward. Hearing subtle mid decay and reverb is unusual in a sub $300 in ear, but with the RE800 Silver they are clear. Highs are probably the most elevated area of the sound signature. Cymbals, high-hats, triangles, and chimes come through clearly. At first they seemed a little bright to me, but I grew accustomed to clarity and sense of space they provided. Now when I listen to other earphones I miss hearing them. And while they are clear in the mix, I do not find them harsh or tiring. I've listened to these for over 3 hours in one sitting and never felt fatigued.

One other surprise I had was the dynamics. The soft to loud ratio is especially good on tracks where it is present. Moreover, these somehow sound good whether I am playing the softly or cranking 80's rock. Orchestral music is especially amazing. One of my favorite albums is The Carpenters with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Karen's voice is silky smooth and warm and the orchestral background full and rich.

These are so good that I have finally started reduce my collection of other IEMs; including the Sony MDR-EX800ST, BGVP DM6, Shuoer Tape, and a number of KZ models. Hifiman seems to have nailed the sound signature that fits my ears and musical taste. As you could guess, I highly recommend these. At $299, these are an incredible value.
Now if I can just save up enough to get the RE2000 Silver. (Posted on 2/27/20)

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